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ClientVIS Plzen

The largest platform for lunch orders in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Overview is the premier food ordering app across web, iOS, and Android platforms, processing over 1 000 000 users' lunch orders every day, dominating the market in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.


Web development


App development




Product design

Strava - international logo

Strava - international logo

Symbol of the app

Symbol of the app

Basic order process in

Login screen on mobile - czech version

Login screen on mobile - czech version

Dark mode toggle

Dark mode toggle in dark mode in dark mode

Project priorities

  1. Detailed UX analysis – more than 60 % of school lunch orders in the Czech Republic and Slovakia are made through this app. Ensuring the best user experience was our top priority.
  2. Performance driven development – the core emphasis revolved around enhancing speed, reliability, and scalability to maintain an exceptional user experience for its extensive user base.
Design file

Design file

Cost-effective solution

Previous generation of the app was available on the market as three separate applications: Android, Web, and iOS. Maintenance costs were skyrocketing, making the situation unmanageable for the client. Together with the client, we decided to build a new generation of the app using PWA technology. This approach significantly reduced development costs without negatively impacting the user experience.

Design file

Food ordering at process at home

Design file

Food ordering at process at home on Android on Android on iOS on iOS

Multilingual integration requires support for three different languages simultaneously. We developed a solution where the application automatically detects and sets the user's language preference. This solution is implemented not only on the frontend but also integrated into two different backend systems. It was a challenging task to ensure all systems remain synchronized.
Language selection on mobile

Language selection on mobile

Backend integration

A unique aspect of this project is the seamless integration of two different backend systems into a single app. The frontend of the application is connected to both the older S4 and the new-generation S5 backends, which our client has been developing for over 20 years. Each user interacts with the app based on the backend system associated with their lunch order location.
